Welcome to Sparkles of Joy

My corner of internet where I'm talking about... everything. And coding !

Hey there, 

the first post is always, in my opinion, the hardest one to write. And trust me, I know this well since I started numerous blogs (and never succeeded to keep them but… that’s another story). 

So why start a blog now ? 
It itches me for quite a time, I launched this one a year ago and never used it. I wanted to do something for me, create a space to share literally everything and anything, pieces of life that brings me joy. I love lots of things and I like to share what I’m learning.I thought a blog could be a good way to practice this sharing with other people :). 

 My job is being a front-end developer so I’ll probably talk about coding, being a woman in software development, cuz… we are so few ! Also about crafting, travels, home reno (I just finished my house after more than a year of renovation, that was long), food, gardening (maybe). Well, life stuff. 

I hope you’ll enjoy this little journey with me. 
See you !

© 2022 Sparkles of Joy. All rights reserved.